DKA-Austria Has Approved Funding to CAD for 3 Years


We are very happy to share you that DKA-Austria which is a Catholic faith based funding agency in Austria, approved recently our development program proposal for people in Chin state, Myanmar for (3) years from 2019-2021.

Community Agency for Rural Development (CAD) is one of five Myanmar NGOs (Not-for-profit non-governmental organizations) established by few individual persons in Myanmar during 2000-2004 under the Burmese Military rule (State Law and Order Restoration Council) led by Senior General Than Shwe. CAD is registered to Union Ministry of Home Affairs of the Union of Republic of Myanmar. CAD registration/License number is 1/Local/1850 which is valid till 2023.

CAD and DKA Project Beneficiaries in Hakha Township, Myanmar

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